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Nuevo Lekker

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Glovo Prime
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Sándwich vegetal
Lechuga, tomate, espárrago, huevo, mayonesa y atún.
10,50 €
Sándwich mixto con huevo
Doble piso de jamón york y queso + huevo frito
9,70 €
Sándwich mixto
Doble piso de jamón york y queso
8,17 €

Perrito caliente

Perrito Caliente Especial de Nuevo Lekker
Salchicha de cerdo, lechuga, cebolla caramelizada, maíz, crujientes de patatas y toping de queso rallado.
9,90 €

Only Burgers

Chicken Lekker
Pollo crujiente casero, pan brioche, salsa especial de Lekker, lechuga, tomate, huevo frito, bacon y cebolla caramelizada.
13,90 €
Especial Lekker
Ternera de Ávila 150g, pan brioche, salsa especial de Lekker, lechuga, tomate, huevo frito, bacon y cebolla carameliza
13,90 €
Original`s Burger
Ternera de Ávila 150g, pan brioche, lechuga, tomate y bacon.
11,90 €

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Are there any promos for Nuevo Lekker in Glovo?
Always look for discounted products and current special offers, which are marked in yellow. Sometimes you can find special offers such as 2 for 1 or discounted delivery!
Is Nuevo Lekker available in Prime?
Ez. Prime is Glovo’s subscription program where you get unlimited free deliveries from some of our partners and other benefits!
Is there a minimum order value at Nuevo Lekker?
There is a minimum order quantity at Nuevo Lekker. But don’t worry - if you don’t reach you will only have to pay an additional fee, but your glovo will be delivered to you anyways!