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Four Corners

store rating 95%
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store rating
Glovo Prime
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Cheddar, mozzarella, salsa de tomate, orégano, pecorino y pepperoni
18,00 €
Champiñones (vegetariana)
Crema de limón, albahaca, mozzarella, champiñones, ralladura de limón, parmesano y perejil
18,00 €


Olivas rellenas de anchoa
4,00 €
Chips con flor de sal, pimienta negra y vinagre balsámico
3,50 €
Chips con flor de sal, oliva negra y anchoa
3,50 €
Chips con flor de sal
3,50 €
Salsa Espinaler
2,35 €


Burrata & Mortadela
Pesto de pistacho, mozzarella, mortadela, burrata, pistacho y parmesano
21,00 €
Cheddar, mozzarella, guanciale, yema de huevo, pimienta negra, queso de oveja y cebollino
20,00 €
Salchicha y jalapeño
Cheddar, mozzarella, orégano, cebolla caramelizada, salchicha, salsa de tomate y jalapeño encurtido.
20,00 €
Cheddar, mozzarella, salsa de tomate, orégano, pecorino y pepperoni
18,00 €
Champiñones (vegetariana)
Crema de limón, albahaca, mozzarella, champiñones, ralladura de limón, parmesano y perejil
18,00 €
Red Top (vegetariana)
Cheddar, mozzarella, salsa de tomate, orégano y pecorino
16,00 €
Marinara (vegana)
Salsa de tomate, ajo, orégano y albahaca
12,00 €


8,00 €

Refrescos y cervezas

ISH G&T 0,0%
6,00 €
ISH Aperol Spritz 0,0%
6,00 €
Caravelle Soda Orange&Passion fruit
6,00 €
Caravelle Soda Hibiscus&Pomelo
6,00 €
Caravelle Soda Lemon&Ginger
6,00 €
Can vi negre
4,75 €
Can vi blanc
4,75 €
Ocata IPA
Garage beer 33cl
4,50 €
Riba Pils
Garage beer 33cl
4,50 €
Santako West Coast
IPA 33cl
4,50 €
Caravelle Soda Retro Cola
3,50 €
Estrella Damm Cerveza Lata 33cl
2,50 €
Sprite 33cl
2,00 €
Fanta Naranja 33cl
2,00 €
Fanta Limón 33cl
2,00 €

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Is Four Corners available in Prime?
Ez. Prime is Glovo’s subscription program where you get unlimited free deliveries from some of our partners and other benefits!
How do other customers rate Four Corners?
Four Corners was recommended by 95% of customers who ordered their glovo from there. Place your order today and check if you also like it.
Is there a minimum order value at Four Corners?
There is a minimum order quantity at Four Corners. But don’t worry - if you don’t reach you will only have to pay an additional fee, but your glovo will be delivered to you anyways!