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O’Briens Fish & Chips

store rating 88%
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Large Cod And Chips
Large cod & chips served with mushy peas. Homemade traditional irish batter all chips hand cut.
13,50 €
Small Cod And Chips
Small cod & chips served with mushy peas. Homemade traditional irish batter. All chips hand cut.
9,95 €
Irish Chipper Meal
O’briens irish chipper meal. Large cod & chips & mushy peas. 2 battered sausage. Mcdonnel’s curry sauce. Homemade traditional irish batter all chips hand cut.
21,95 €


Irish Chipper Meal
O’briens irish chipper meal. Large cod & chips & mushy peas. 2 battered sausage. Mcdonnel’s curry sauce. Homemade traditional irish batter all chips hand cut.
21,95 €
Large Smoked Haddock (250g) & Chips
Large 250g smoked haddock chips served with mushy peas. Homemade traditional irish batter. All chips hand cut.
19,99 €
Full Breakfast with Black & White pudding
Full irish breakfast. 2 eggs, 2 sausage, 2 bacon, 2 toast, hashbrown, beans, mushrooms, black & white pudding
13,95 €
O'briens Large Kebab box
Cajun spiced chips mixed with peppers, onions & donner kebab meat. Topped with garlic mayo & hot chilli sauce. All chips handcut.
13,50 €
Large Cod And Chips
Large cod & chips served with mushy peas. Homemade traditional irish batter all chips hand cut.
13,50 €
O'briens Spice Box
Cajun spiced chips mixed with peppers, onions & homemade chicken goujons. Topped with garlic mayo & hot chilli sauce. Our goujons are homemade. All chips handcut.
13,50 €
Large Doner Kebab Wrap
Large doner kebab wrap. Option for salsas or salad below.
10,95 €
5x Cod Bites And Chips
Cod bites & chips served with mushy peas. Homemade traditional irish batter all chips hand cut.
10,95 €
Half Breakfast with Black & White Pudding
Half irish breakfast. 1 sausage, 1 egg, 1 bacon, 1 toast, hashbrown, beans, mushrooms, black & white pudding
9,95 €
Small Cod And Chips
Small cod & chips served with mushy peas. Homemade traditional irish batter. All chips hand cut.
9,95 €


Cheesy Curry Chips (Mcdonnels curry)
Cheesy curry chips (Mcdonnel’s curry) All chips are hand cut
9,95 €
5x Cod Bites
5x cod bites. Homemade traditional irish batter
7,95 €
Cheesy Chips
Cheesy chips. All chips are hand cut
6,95 €
4x Homemade Chicken Goujons
Homemade chicken goujons. All goujons are homemade
6,95 €
Cheesy Chips
Cheesy chips. All chips are hand cut
6,95 €
Irish Battered Burger
Traditional irish battered burger. Homemade traditional irish batter
6,95 €
2x Battered Sausgaes
X2 battered sausages. Homemade traditional irish batter
5,95 €
Hand Cut Chips
Hand cut chips
4,50 €
2x Slices Bread & Butter
2x slices bread & butter
2,40 €


Mcdonnels Curry
Mcdonnels curry
4,50 €
Garlic Mayo
2,50 €
Tartar Sauce
2,50 €


Coca-Cola Sabor Original lata 330ml.
2,50 €
Coca-Cola Zero Azúcar lata 330ml.
2,50 €
Aquarius Naranja lata 330ml.
2,50 €
Fanta Limón lata 330ml.
2,50 €
Fanta Naranja lata 330ml.
2,50 €
Sprite lata 330ml.
2,50 €
Sparkling Water (330 Ml.)
2,50 €
Still Water (330 Ml.)
2,20 €

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Eskuragarri dago O’Briens Fish & Chips Prime-n?
Ez. Prime Glovo-ren harpidetza-programa da, eta gure bazkideetako batzuengandik banaketa guztiak doan jasotzeko eta beste abantaila batzuez gozatzeko aukera ematen du.
Noiz eska dezaket O’Briens Fish & Chips dendan etxera banatzeko?
O’Briens Fish & Chips’s dendaren lanorduetan, edozein unetan egin ditzakezu eskaerak. Banaketa bizkorrari esker, minutu batzuen buruan jasoko duzu zure glovo-a! Eskaera etxean jasotzeko ordurik egokienerako programatu ¡ere egin dezakezu, ordu horretan denda itxita egon arren.
Nola baloratzen dute O’Briens Fish & Chips beste bezero batzuek?
Glovo bat eskatu dioten bezeroetako batzuek (88%) O’Briens Fish & Chips gomendatzen dute. Egin eskaera gaur bertan eta ikusi ea zuri ere gustatzen zaizun.