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Mais vendidos

Tallarines Frito Con Pollo
7,95 €
pollo agridulce
8,50 €
pollo con curry
9,90 €


Entrante De 1/2 Pato Tostado Con Crepes
16,45 €
Entrante De Gambas Al Ajillo
9,95 €
Entrante De 1/4 Pato Tostado Con Crepes
9,95 €
Entrante De Ensalada Especial
9,50 €
Entrante De Pollo Crujiente Con Sal Y Pimienta
8,95 €
Entrante De Costillas De Cerdo Con Sal Y Pimienta
8,95 €
Entrante De Costillas De Cerdo Con Salsa Barbacoa
8,95 €
Entrante De Costillas De Cerdo Fritas A La Miel
8,95 €
Entrante De Alitas De Pollo
7,95 €
Entrante De Brocheta De Pollo Con Salsa Satay
7,95 €
Entrante De Ensalada China
7,50 €
Entrante De Pan Tostado De Gambas Y Sésamo
6,95 €
Entrante De Algas Fritas
5,95 €
Entrante De Wan Tun Frito
4,90 €
Entrante De Papas Fritas
4,50 €
Entrante De Pan Chino
3,99 €
Entrante De Rollo De Primavera Spring Roll Con Carne
3,90 €
Entrante De Rollo De Primavera Spring Roll Con Vegetal
3,90 €
22- Pan De Gambas
2,50 €

Aperitivos Y Entrantes

Entremeses Asiático
Costillas, algas fritas, rollitos vietnamitas, pollo satay, wan - tun frito, rollitos de gambas
15,00 €
Ensalada De Mango Thai Style
9,50 €
Brochetas De Pollo Con Salsa Cacahuete Thai
8,99 €
Ensalada Thai
Ensalada variada, pollo crujiente, cebollas, menta y salsa dulce y picante
8,95 €
Rollitos De Gambas Thai (4 Und.)
5,95 €
Rollitos Vietnamitas
4,95 €
Rollitos Thai
4,95 €

Sopa I

Tom Yam Kum
Sopa picante, gambas, salmón, piña, champiñones y salsa lima
6,90 €
Sopa De Pollo Con Coco
Leche de coco, pollo, champiñones y cebollas
6,50 €
sopa de miso
Típico japonés sopa con algas
5,25 €

Sopa II

sopa de wan tun
5,00 €
Sopa De Pollo Y Fideos
4,99 €
Sopa De Agripicante
4,99 €
Sopa De Maíz Con Cangrejo
4,99 €
Sopa De Maíz Con Pollo
4,99 €
Sopa De Verduras
4,90 €

Arroz Y Pastas I

Ramen (ternera)
13,99 €
Ramen (pato)
13,99 €
Ramen (pollo)
12,95 €
Arroz Teppayaki
10,00 €
Tallarines Fritos Wu Dong A La Cazuela Caliente
Tallarines fritos con tomate, gambas, pimientos, champiñones y cebolla
9,95 €
Nasi Goreng
Arroz frito de Indonesia
9,50 €
Tallarines Fritos Pad Thai
Tallarines con gambas, verduras y almendras
9,50 €
Arroz Frito Thai
Arroz frito con verduras y huevos a la plancha
8,75 €
Arroz Frito Mil Delicias
8,00 €
Arroz Frito Con Huevos
4,95 €
Tallarines Fritos
4,50 €
Arroz Blanco De Jazmín
3,00 €

Arroz Y Pastas II

Fideo De Arroz Singapore
9,95 €
Fideo De Arroz Tres Delicias
9,95 €
Tallarines Frito Con Tres Delicias
8,95 €
arroz frito con gambas
8,95 €
Tallarines Frito Con Gambas
8,95 €
Arroz Frito Con Verduras
7,99 €
Tallarines Frito Con Pollo
7,95 €
Tallarines Frito Con Ternera
7,95 €
Tallarines Frito Con Verduras
7,00 €
arroz frito con ternera
6,99 €
Arroz Frito Especial
6,50 €
arroz frito con pollo
5,99 €
arroz frito con tres delicias
5,95 €

Pollo I

Tiras De Pollo Salteado En Almendras Con Salsa De Limón
10,50 €
Pollo Massaman Curry
9,50 €
Pollo Con Almendras
9,50 €
Dados De Pollo Salteado Con Verduras Y Anacardos
9,50 €
Pollo De Cong Bao A La Plancha
9,50 €
Pollo Estilo Vietnam
Pimientos, champiñones, patatas y cilantro
9,50 €
Pankok Pollo
9,50 €
Tiras De Pollo Crujiente Con Salsa De Miel Y Picante
9,00 €
Pollo En Cazuela Caliente Con Salsa De Ostras Y Cebollas
9,00 €
Pollo Con Verduras En Leche De Coco Al Curry Rojo Thai
8,90 €
Pollo Con Verduras En Leche De Coco Al Curry Verde Thai
8,90 €
Pollo Con Verduras En Leche De Coco Al Curry Amarillo Thai
8,90 €

Pollo II

pollo con curry
9,90 €
Pollo Con Salsa De Judías Negras A La Plancha
9,00 €
Pollo Con Jengibre Y Cebollinos A La Plancha
9,00 €
Pollo Con Ajos A La Plancha
9,00 €
Pollo Con Salsa Satay A La Plancha
9,00 €
Pollo Crujiente Con Chilly Y Salsa Agridulce
8,95 €
pollo con salsa picante
8,90 €
Pollo Con Champiñones
8,90 €
Bolitas De Pollo
8,50 €
Pollo Chop Suey
8,50 €
pollo agridulce
8,50 €

Pato I

Pato Laqueado Pekines Completo (Para 4 Personas)
39,00 €
Pato Laqueado Pekines Completo (Para 2 Personas)
23,95 €
Lomo Fileteado De Pato Con Verduras Salteadas Al Wok A La Plancha
12,90 €
Pato Crujiente Con Salsa De Fruta Tropical
Kiwis, naranjas, piñas, sobre de pato
12,90 €
Pato Crujiente Al Estilo Vietnam
Champiñones, cebollas, pimientas, hierba de limón
12,90 €

Pato II

Pato Con Salsa De Ostras
12,50 €
Pato Con Salsa De Ostras
12,50 €
Pato Flameado A La Plancha
12,50 €
Pato Con Judías Negras A La Plancha
12,50 €
Pato Cantonés A La Plancha
12,50 €
pato con piña
12,50 €
pato a la naranja
12,50 €


Cerdo Asado
9,45 €
Cerdo Con Curry
9,45 €
cerdo con salsa picante
9,45 €
cerdo agridulce
9,45 €

Ternera I

Tiras De Solomillo Con Mango Y Brócoli Al Wok
14,45 €
Ternera A La Cazuela Caliente Estilo Thai
10,00 €
Pangkok Ternera
9,95 €
Ternera Con Verduras En Leche De Coco Al Curry Rojo Thai
9,90 €
Ternera Con Verduras En Leche De Coco Al Curry Verde Thai
9,90 €
Ternera Con Verduras En Leche De Coco Al Curry Amarillo Thai
9,90 €
Tiras De Ternera Crujiente Con Salsa De Miel Y Picante
9,90 €
Ternera Salteada Con Verduras En Salsa De Ostras A La Plancha
9,90 €

Ternera II

Ternera Con Curry
9,95 €
Ternera Con Salsa Picante Beef
9,95 €
Ternera Chop Suey Beef
9,95 €
Ternera Con Champiñones
9,95 €
Ternera Con Pimiento Verde Beef
9,95 €
Ternera Crujiente Con Chilli Y Salsa Agridulce
9,95 €
Ternera Con Judías Negras A La Plancha
9,95 €
Ternera Con Jengibre Y Cebollinos A La Plancha
9,95 €
Ternera Con Ajos A La Plancha
9,95 €

Mariscos Y Platos Especiales

Mongolia Cordero A La Plancha
17,50 €
Lubina Al Vapor En Salsa De Cebolleta Con Jengibre Y Soja
16,50 €
Solomillo Al Grill
16,00 €
Solomillo Con Salsa China A La Plancha
16,00 €
Mongolia Ternera A La Plancha
15,50 €
Pankok Langostinos
14,00 €
Langostinos Chang Mai King Prawn Chang Mai
Hojas de limón, pimienta, champiñones, puerros y cilantro
14,00 €
Langostinos Con Jengibre Y Cebollino A La Plancha
14,00 €
Langostinos Al Vapor Con Salsa De Ajos
14,00 €
Marisco Variado Salteado A La Plancha
13,50 €
Langostinos Con Chilli Y Salsa De Ajo A La Plancha
13,50 €
Langostinos Con Salsa De Coco A La Plancha
13,50 €
Langostinos Con Salsa Cantonesa A La Plancha
13,50 €
Langostinos Con Salsa China A La Plancha
13,50 €
Langostinos Salteados Con Tamarindo En Fideos Crujiente
13,00 €
Familia Feliz
13,00 €
Langostinos En Salsa De Lima Y Guindillas Al Estilo Vietnam
13,00 €
Langostinos Con Verduras En Leche De Coco Al Curry Rojo Thai
13,00 €
Lubina Crujiente Con Salsa De Fruta Tropical
13,00 €
Pollo, Ternera Y Langostinos Con Salsa De Curry
12,50 €
Langostinos ſritos
12,50 €
Langostinos Con Salsa Curry
12,50 €
Langostinos Chop Suey
12,50 €
Langostinos Con Champiñones
12,50 €
Langostinos Con Salsa Picante
12,50 €


Verduras Variadas Al Wok
8,45 €
Verduras Salteadas Con Thai Curry
8,45 €
Champiñones Al Wok
8,45 €


Chaise Tofu
9,45 €
Mapo Tofu
9,45 €
Dofu Al Curry Mapo Tofu
9,45 €
Vegetariana Tofu
9,45 €

Niños Children

Bolitas De Pollo Con Papas Fritas
6,95 €
Alitas De Pollo
6,95 €
Pescado Frito Con Papas Fritas
6,95 €
Tallarines Fritos Con Papas Fritas
6,95 €
Huevos Revueltos Con Gambas Y Papas Fritas
6,95 €
Huevos Revueltos Con Jamón Y Papas Fritas
6,95 €
Salchichas Con Papas Fritas
6,95 €

Special Menu

Special Menu With Thai Prawn Rolls (For 4 People)
Thai prawn rolls, combined sushi, duck with pancakes, roast pork, grilled sirloin with black pepper sauce, prawns with chilli and garlic sauce, palancha and teppanyaki rice, sweet and sour chicken and Thai fried rice
99,80 €
Special Menu With Combined Appetizers (For 4 People)
Corn soup with chicken, mixed appetizers, duck with pancakes, grilled beef with garlic, grilled prawns with coconut sauce, sweet and sour chicken and Thai fried rice
79,80 €
Special Menu With Thai Rolls (For 4 People)
Thai rolls, sushi and dim sun, ribs with barbecue sauce, duck with pancakes, chicken with almonds, crispy sour beef, chop suey prawns and fried rice with eggshop suey and fried rice with eggs
69,80 €
Special Menu With Combined Appetizers (For 3 People)
Mixed appetizers, duck with pancakes, chicken with Thai curry sauce, crispy beef with chilli and sweet and sour sauce, prawns with Cantonese sauce and Thai fried rice
59,35 €
Special Menu With Vietnamese Rolls (For 3 People)
Vietnamese Rolls, Ribs with BBQ Sauce, Duck with Pancakes, Beef with Mushrooms, Sweet and Sour Chicken and Egg Fried Rice
53,95 €
Special Menu With Prawn Thai Rolls (For 2 People)
Thai prawn rolls, chicken skewers with satay sauce, duck with pancakes, crispy chicken with chilli and sweet and sour sauce, grilled beef with ginger and onion and Thai fried rice
39,90 €
Special Menu With Thai Rolls (For 2 People)
Thai rolls, shrimp and sesame toasted bread, duck with pancakes, sweet and sour chicken, veal with green pepper and fried rice with egg
35,90 €


Starter Of 1/2 Roasted Duck With Crepes
16,95 €
Yuk Sung Entree With Pork
9,50 €
Special Salad Starter
9,00 €
Yuk Sung Entree With Chicken
8,95 €
Garlic Prawn Starter
8,90 €
Salt And Pepper Pork Ribs Entree
8,50 €
Pork Ribs Entree With Barbecue Sauce
8,50 €
Honey Fried Pork Ribs Starter
8,50 €
Roast Pork Ribs Entree
8,50 €
Starter Of 1/4 Roasted Duck With Crepes
8,25 €
Chicken Skewer Starter With Satay Sauce
7,95 €
Salt And Pepper Crispy Chicken Entree
7,95 €
Chinese Salad Starter
7,00 €
Chicken Wings Entree
6,90 €
Prawn And Sesame Toasted Bread Starter
6,75 €
Fried Wan Tun Starter
6,20 €
Fried Onions Starter
6,00 €
Fried Seaweed Starter
6,00 €
Wrinkled Potatoes Starter
5,00 €
French Fries Starter
4,50 €
Spring Roll Appetizer Spring Roll With Vegetables
3,90 €
Spring Roll Appetizer Spring Roll With Meat
3,90 €
Chinese Bread Entree
2,90 €
Prawn Bread Starter
2,50 €


Sesame Prawns
11,00 €
Asian Salad Three Sea Delights In Vinaigrette
8,95 €
Thai Style Mango Salad
8,95 €
Pankok Rib
8,95 €
Thai Salad
Mixed salad, crispy chicken, onions, mint and sweet and spicy sauce
7,45 €
Peking Duck Rolls
7,00 €
Chicken Skewers With Thai Peanut Sauce
6,95 €
Thai Prawn Rolls (4 Un.)
5,50 €
Vietnamese Rolls
4,90 €
Thai Rolls
4,90 €

Soup I

Tom Yam Kum
Spicy soup, prawns, salmon, pineapple, mushrooms and lime sauce
6,00 €
Miso Soup
Typical Japanese soup with seaweed
5,75 €
Coconut Chicken Soup
Coconut milk, chicken, mushrooms and onions
5,30 €

Soup II

Seafood Soup
5,00 €
Tomato Soup
4,95 €
Wan Tun Soup
4,95 €
Chicken Noodle Soup
4,95 €
Hot And Sour Soup
4,95 €
Corn Soup With Crab
4,95 €
Corn Soup With Chicken
4,95 €
Vegetable Soup
4,90 €

Rice And Pasta

Nasi Goreng
Indonesian Fried Rice
9,95 €
Pad Thai Fried Noodles
Noodles with prawns, vegetables and almonds
9,95 €
Fried Wu Dong Noodles In Hot Pot
Fried noodles with tomato, prawns, peppers, mushrooms and onion
9,95 €
Teppayaki Rice
9,95 €
Singapore Rice Noodle
8,95 €
Rice Noodle Three Delights
8,95 €
Fried Noodles With Prawns
8,95 €
Thousand Delights Fried Rice
8,90 €
Fried Rice With Prawns
7,95 €
Fried Noodles With Vegetables
7,90 €
Special Fried Rice
7,90 €
Fried Noodles With Three Delights
7,90 €
Thai Fried Rice
Fried rice with vegetables and grilled eggs
7,75 €
Fried Noodles With Chicken
7,35 €
Fried Noodles With Beef
7,35 €
Fried Rice With Beef
6,90 €
Fried Rice With Vegetables
5,90 €
Chicken Fried Rice
5,90 €
Fried Rice With Three Delights
5,25 €
Fried Noodles
4,75 €
Fried Rice With Eggs
4,00 €
White Jasmine Rice
3,00 €

Chicken I

Massaman Chicken Curry
9,90 €
Chicken With Almonds
9,90 €
Pankok Chicken
9,00 €
Crispy Chicken Strips With Honey Spicy Sauce
9,00 €
Chicken In Hot Casserole With Oyster Sauce And Onions
9,00 €
Chicken With Vegetables In Coconut Milk With Thai Red Curry
8,95 €
Chicken With Vegetables In Coconut Milk Thai Green Curry
8,95 €
Chicken With Vegetables In Coconut Milk With Thai Yellow Curry
8,95 €
Chicken Strips Sauteed In Almonds With Lemon Sauce
8,95 €
Sauteed Chicken Dices With Vegetables And Cashews
8,00 €
Grilled Cong Bao Chicken
8,00 €
Vietnam Style Chicken
Peppers, mushrooms, potatoes and coriander
8,00 €
Thai Style Pineapple Chicken
8,00 €

Chicken II

Crispy Chicken With Chilly And Sweet And Sour Sauce
8,95 €
Grilled Chicken With Black Bean Sauce
8,90 €
Grilled Chicken With Ginger And Chives
8,90 €
Grilled Chicken With Garlic
8,90 €
Grilled Chicken With Satay Sauce
8,90 €
Chicken With Spicy Sauce
8,50 €
Chicken Chop Suey
8,50 €
Chicken With Mushrooms
8,50 €
Bittersweet Chicken
8,50 €
Chicken Balls
7,95 €

Duck I

Complete Peking Duck Lacquered (For 4 People)
39,50 €
Complete Peking Duck Lacquered (For 2 People)
23,50 €
Filleted Duck Loin With Sauteed Vegetables In A Grilled Wok
12,95 €
Crispy Duck With Tropical Fruit Sauce
Kiwis, oranges, pineapples, envelope of duck
12,95 €
Vietnam Style Crispy Duck
Mushrooms, onions, peppers, lemongrass
12,95 €

Duck II

Duck With Oyster Sauce
12,50 €
Grilled Flamed Duck
12,50 €
Grilled Duck With Black Beans
12,50 €
Grilled Cantonese Duck
12,50 €
Duck With Pineapple
12,50 €
Duck With Orange
12,50 €
Duck With Oyster Sauce
12,45 €


Roasted Pork
9,45 €
Pork With Curry
9,45 €
Pork With Spicy Sauce
9,45 €
Sweet And Sour Pork
9,45 €

Veal I

Strips Of Sirloin With Mango And Broccoli Wok
14,45 €
Thai Style Hot Pot Beef
10,00 €
Sautéed Beef With Vegetables In Grilled Oyster Sauce
9,50 €
Beef With Vegetables In Coconut Milk With Thai Red Curry
9,25 €
Beef With Vegetables In Coconut Milk Thai Green Curry
9,25 €
Beef With Vegetables In Coconut Milk With Thai Yellow Curry
9,25 €
Pangkok Beef
9,25 €
Crispy Veal Strips With Honey And Spicy Sauce
9,00 €

Veal II

Beef With Curry
8,45 €
Veal With Spicy Beef Sauce
8,45 €
Veal Chop Suey Beef
8,45 €
Veal With Mushrooms
8,45 €
Veal With Green Pepper Beef
8,45 €
Crispy Veal With Chilli And Sweet And Sour Sauce
8,45 €
Grilled Veal With Black Beans
8,45 €
Grilled Beef With Ginger And Chives
8,45 €
Grilled Beef With Garlic
8,45 €

Seafood And Special Dishes

Mongolian Grilled Lamb
19,50 €
Steamed Sea Bass In Onion Sauce With Ginger And Soy
19,00 €
Crispy Sea Bass With Tropical Fruit Sauce
18,00 €
Grilled Sirloin With Chinese Sauce
18,00 €
Grilled Sirloin
18,00 €
Mongolian Grilled Beef
15,50 €
Chang Mai Prawns Chang Mai Prawns
Lemon leaves, pepper, mushrooms, leeks and coriander
14,00 €
Grilled Prawns With Ginger And Chives
14,00 €
Pankok Prawns
14,00 €
Steamed Prawns With Garlic Sauce
14,00 €
Chicken, Beef And Prawns With Curry Sauce
13,00 €
Grilled Sauteed Varied Seafood
13,00 €
Grilled Prawns With Chilli And Garlic Sauce
13,00 €
Grilled Prawns With Coconut Sauce
13,00 €
Grilled Prawns With Cantonese Sauce
13,00 €
Grilled Prawns With Chinese Sauce
13,00 €
Sauteed Prawns With Tamarind In Crispy Noodles
13,00 €
Prawns With Vegetables In Coconut Milk With Thai Red Curry
13,00 €
Happy Family
13,00 €
King Prawns In Lime Sauce And Chili Peppers Vietnam Style
13,00 €
King Prawns With Curry Sauce
12,50 €
Deep Fried Prawns
12,50 €
Prawns With Spicy Sauce
12,50 €
Prawns With Mushrooms
12,50 €
Chop Suey Prawns
12,50 €


Stir-Fried Vegetables With Thai Curry
8,99 €
Assorted Wok Vegetables
8,90 €
Mushrooms Wok
8,45 €


Tofu Chaise
8,99 €
Mapo Tofu
8,99 €
Dofu Al Curry Mapo Tofu
8,99 €
Vegetarian Tofu
8,99 €

Children Children

Chicken Balls With French Fries
6,90 €
Chicken Wings
6,90 €
Fried Fish With French Fries
6,90 €
Fried Noodles With French Fries
6,90 €
Scrambled Eggs With Prawns And French Fries
6,90 €
Scrambled Eggs With Ham And French Fries
6,90 €
Sausages With French Fries
6,90 €

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