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Pizza margherita surgelata

Piz.Margh.Sz Glut/Lat330G
3,75 €
Italpizza Margherita Nr 1
3,59 €
Pizza Margherita 405G
4,99 €
Pizza Margherita 382G
3,29 €

Pizza condita surgelata

Pizza Salam&Prov 26x38
4,99 €
Pizza Prosc. Funghi 26X38 570G
4,99 €
Cuor di Terra le Specialita` - Pizza stracciatella e acciughe del Cantabrico 380 gr
3,29 €
Pizza Porcini&Tartufo CT
3,29 €
Pizza 4 Formaggi GAS 330g
2,79 €

Patatine surgelate

Selection - Patate Duchessa 600 gr
1,99 €
Pizzoli patasnella stick 900g
2,69 €
Patate Wedges Penny. 1KG
2,49 €
Patate Prefritte Penny. 1 KG
1,89 €
Patate Prefritte Penny 2.5KG
3,99 €
PY Patate Steakhouse 750g
1,85 €
Crocchette Gourmet Gold 1KG
2,69 €
Patasnella Tratt.Pizzoli 600G
2,49 €

Altri snack surgelati

Fiori Di Zucca Pastellati
3,79 €
Suppli' Ragu' Mozzarella 250g
1,59 €
Rustici Leccesi 450G
2,29 €
Arancini Gusti Ass. 300g
2,99 €
Sofficini Pomodoro/Moz. Findus
3,55 €
Involt.Prim.Pollo Mei Tai 400G
3,79 €
Baccala' In Pastella 275g
3,99 €
Mozzarella In Carrozza 300g
2,99 €
Sofficini Prosc./Mozz. Findus
3,55 €

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Preguntas frecuentes

When can I order delivery from PENNY.?
During PENNY.’s working hours you can place your order at any time. Thanks to our speedfast delivery you will be able to enjoy your glovo within minutes! You can also schedule your delivery to a time that would be convenient for you, even if the store is currently closed.
Is there a minimum order value at PENNY.?
There is a minimum order quantity at PENNY.. But don’t worry - if you don’t reach you will only have to pay an additional fee, but your glovo will be delivered to you anyways!